Tuesday, January 20

The Chellenge

So I am sure you have noticed that I have gained weight back in the last year. And it turns out my Medication Lexapro is causing a great deal of this weight gain. Needless to say I stopped taking it Early in November. Because I kept gaining weight and I am working out daily and eating healthy and nothing was budging and my scale kept going up and up. I do not like that. As a result of being off this medication I am more emotional than usual and very sensitive to things and cry for no reason. And David knows that I do not deal with STRESS at all well. So we are now working out together and trying to get in shape. But we need a motivator or healthy competition. We are asking you to join us in this competition.

Well because I have gained 50 + pounds in the last year and I still have my lap band at it's sweet spot and I am exercising I am hoping after this drug gets out of my system completely I will go back down in weight.
David and I have set a personal goal for ourselves and we wanted to tell you about it.

Every night David and I play on our Wii Fit Game. While one person is doing a game the other person is jumping on the trampett (Baby Trampoline) or Doing Weight lifting. We set a goal to do 30 minutes a night on our Wii Fit each and we take turns. (So by the time we finish we have been working out for an hour.) Then we end the night with 20 minutes of Yoga. In addition to this I walk on my Treadmill for 40 minutes while watching two of my favorite shows from BBC You are what you eat and Coupling. (Yes I forward through the commercials)

My Personal goal is to get back down to the 175 I weighed when I met David or Lower than that. His Goal is to get down to the weight he was when we met which is 180. Once we reach our Goal weight we are going to reward ourselves with a vacation to some place we have never been. Hawaii.

We hope to reach our Goals by October of Next year and book the Vacation for April or May of 2010. We would like to Go To Hawaii and stay at the Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore. We have been looking at prices on Orbitz and other Travel Sights and it is about $2000.00 per person for a All Inclusive Romantic Get Away with a Daily Spa Treatment, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner a convertible car, and an Ocean Front Room.

So on top of starting to save our money, we are trying to save our lives and be healthy and better examples to each other and our families.

If anyone else is interested in doing this too we would welcome the competition and would love to have a vacation like this. We consider it a once in a life time opportunity. If we reach our goals sooner we would like to go sooner but Lexapro weight takes a while to get off.

Write back and let me know what you think.


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